Ullusion gives you the unique opportunity to purchase magic tutorial videos that can be added you your website. Visit our store page to see the videos you wish to purchase.
The videos will be associated to the giveaway products you hand out. These items can also be purchased through our store page.
Imagine doing a magic trick with one of your giveaway products and then handing that product out. Now offer the prospective client the opportunity to learn that trick by visiting the video on your website.
The benefits are immense.
- Drives traffic to your website. The client and anyone else that person might direct that way.
- Once the trick is learned, the person will now have to perform it using the giveaway item you supplied them with. Your brand will be associated with that item.
- A great and inexpensive tool to have people remember you, your product or service.
When you purchase the video, you will receive the source code which will include both the performance and the explanation.